CEC Gardens

Native Plant Demonstration Gardens and Groves

Installed, maintained, and continually improved by the CEC in partnership with Mary Moss @ Adams Academy—and with the assistance of Master Gardeners and numerous other groups—the 24 Native Plant Demonstration Gardens and Groves are a public resource and have many functions. They are a local as well as regional resource, showcasing conservation landscaping practices, designs, and wide varieties of native plants and habitat types in which students and the public can participate through engaging, interactive instruction and tours. The gardens and groves improve and protect water quality in the adjacent College Creek, sequester carbon, improve air quality, increase wildlife habitat, and beautify the school grounds. Directions

CEC Garden Map

  1. BayScape GardenOptions for front and backyard home landscaping, 2,600 square feet
  2. Highbush Blueberry Rain GardenWithin the BayScape Garden
  3. Dragonfly GardenIncludes Virginia Sweetspire (Itea virginica), one of the most brilliant shrubs of the spring and fall garden
  4. Virginia Sweetspire Xeriscape Garden – Drought-tolerant native plant garden, 100 square feet
  5. Rock ‘N Rain Garden – Infiltrates stormwater from the upper parking lot, 1,650 square feet
  6. River Birch Rain Garden – Infiltrates stormwater from front lawn area, 814 square feet
  7. Oak Grove – Large expanse in the front of the school, planted with oaks, hickories, and black gum trees, 15,580 square feet
  8.  Redbud Row and Dogwood Grove This grove of understory trees showcase a stunning floral display mid-April into May, and has year-round interest
  9.  Waterman’s GardenIncludes native trees that help watermen in their trade by relating seasonal changes of trees to the cycles of fish, 600 square feet
  10. Restored Riparian Forest BufferInvasive Species Removal/Reforestation Area, covering approximately 2.5 acres
  11. NAACP Freedom Grove – A Riparian Forest Buffer, 4,320 square feet
  12. Outdoor ClassroomWithin the Riparian Forest Buffer
  13. Berry Patch Rain GardenWithin the Riparian Forest Buffer
  14. Paw Paw and Persimmon GroveAdjoining the Oak Grove, 1,485 square feet
  15. Sweetbay Magnolia Rain GardenInfiltrates stormwater from the middle parking lot, 4,312 square feet
  16. Sweetfern XeriscapeDrought-tolerant native plant garden, 572 square feet
  17. Former Asphalt Swale Rain GardenInfiltrates stormwater from the lower parking lot, 1,940 square feet
  18. RainScaping Education StationFaux house which showcases rainscaping techniques, including:  a mini green roof; downspout directed to a rain barrel; downspout daylighted to a rain garden; permeable pavers; and interpretative signage
  19. Bertina Nick Rain GardenIn honor of the late Bertina A. Nick, 1,680 square feet
  20. Bay-Wise Rain GardenInfiltrates stormwater and extends the Riparian Forest Buffer, 675 square feet
  21. Master Gardener Shade GardenIncludes native woodland trees and shrubs, 21,170 square feet
  22. Shade Rain GardenIncludes native woodland shrubs, 777 square feet
  23. Glenwood Street Rain GardenNative trees and shrubs, at the entrance to the 10-acre campus, infiltrates stormwater runoff, 729 square feet
  24. Catch-All Rain GardenInfiltrates stormwater from the back parking lot, 768 square feet

Virtual Tour—Evolution of the MM@JAAA/CEC Gardens & Groves

Mid-April, the Redbuds (Cercis canadensis) are blooming
along the path to the Outdoor Classroom and Forest Buffer

2012-12-19 PC-Redbuds on path to Forest Buffer

Rain Gardens at MMAA/CEC (5 of 11 rain gardens)
2012-12-19 PC-CEC Rain Gardens